Aircon General Servicing
Aircon general servicing is charged based on the number of indoor fancoils. We will service outdoor condensers free-of-charge only if these outdoor condensers are easily accessible at the point of servicing the indoor fancoil units.
In view of the Ministry of Manpower Workplace Safety and Health Act, as well as the related code of practice pertaining to working safely at heights, we are obligated to ensure that the servicing work can be carried out safely by our technicians.
Therefore, we are only able to service indoor fancoils, and outdoor condenser units that are situated below 10 feet when measured from ground-up. We apologise for not being able to service the outdoor condenser units in the event that they are locked out, or when it is raining at the time of servicing.
We appreciate your kind understanding for not being able to make additional trips to service only the outdoor condenser units as this is an additional goodwill service offering.

1) Inspection of air-conditioner by
switching it on to check its condition

4) Removing surface dust by
brushing and cleaning the outer
surface of the cooling evaporate coil

7) Injecting air filter with germicidal
detergent to kill bacteria and wash
with water to remove bacteria
effectively unlike with normal